Especially during these difficult times of social distancing and self-quarantine, there has been a dramatic increase in online activities by children, and a heightened concern for their safety by parents/guardians, educators, and child services professionals. This concern is even more real for our foster and adopted kids and teens who may already be struggling with trauma-related backgrounds, impulsivity, and other developmental delays. The good news is there are great ways to mitigate the risks our children face online.
This webinar provides child service professionals and parents/guardians with tools and resources to help create a safer environment for all children. Methods for avoiding inappropriate content, gauging/limiting excessive screen time, and protecting our children from online predators among other related topics will be discussed. Together we can safely guide our children to be successful digital citizens in this ever growing online world.
-Provide a basis for attendees to understand the specific concerns children face while online.
-Provide instruction on how to appropriately introduce and guide tweens and/or teens to smartphone use.
-Provide attendees with options to help tailor parental controls to the individual needs of a child.
-Provide attendees with additional resources to obtain further information for online safety