Behind the Mask: Navigating Narcissism in Families
Event Date: 08/22/2024
Event Time: 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM
Event Type: Live Virtual
Total CE Credits: 1.5
Clinical Hours: 1.5
General Admission: $0 CE Cost: $10
This webinar has already ended.
In this webinar, psychotherapist Kaytee Gillis will equip attendees with the knowledge and tools to begin to understand and address narcissistic behaviors within family dynamics.
This training will delve into the characteristics and signs of narcissism, its impact on family members, and the long-term emotional and psychological effects for survivors of this form of family trauma. We will explore practical strategies for managing interactions with narcissistic individuals and fostering healthier family relationships.
Through case studies, interactive discussions, and expert insights, participants will gain a deeper understanding of narcissism and learn effective coping mechanisms to support themselves and their loved ones. Whether you're a mental health professional, educator, parent looking to break the cycle of trauma and dysfunction, or someone else personally affected, this training offers valuable guidance for navigating the complexities of narcissism in family settings.
Speaker & Bio

KaytylnKaytee Gillis
Kaytlyn Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS is a psychotherapist and author with a passion for working with survivors of relationship and family trauma and the LGBTQ+ community. Her work focuses on assisting survivors of domestic violence and family trauma. Her latest book is "Breaking the Cycle: the 6 Stages of Healing from Childhood Family Trauma." Gillis has been featured on iHeart Radio, SiriuxXM, Scripps News, The Los Angeles Times, The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show, CP24 News, and other media outlets. She runs a popular column on Psychology Today called Invisible Bruises, where she writes articles for and about relationship and family trauma survivors. She provides training on recognizing patterns of domestic violence and family trauma, and helping survivors move forward.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the Characteristics and Impact of Narcissism - Gain an understanding of narcissistic personality traits and behaviors within families, and learn how these characteristics manifest within family dynamics and affect individual family members.
2. Recognize and Address Long-term Emotional Effects of this Form of Childhood Family Trauma - Identify the long-term emotional and psychological effects of living with a narcissistic family member, and explore therapeutic approaches and support mechanisms to aid in healing and resilience-building for affected individuals.
3. Identify and Implement Effective Coping Strategies for Moving Forward and Breaking the Cycle of Trauma: - Learn practical strategies for managing interactions with narcissistic family members, including communication techniques and boundary-setting to protect emotional well-being and foster healthier relationships.