Tackling Technology
Event Date: 12/12/2024
Event Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Event Type: Live Virtual
Total CE Credits: 1.5
Clinical Hours: 1.5
General Admission: $0 CE Cost: $10
This webinar has already ended.
Who wishes we were still in the dark ages when it comes to our kids and technology? Technology safety is a challenge for all parents, but when we are parenting kids with trauma histories and neuro-diversity, the challenge is exponentially magnified.
In this session, we will talk about why this is more of a challenge for our kids, and some strategies to try to keep them safe.
Training Objectives:
1. Understand why children who have experienced trauma struggle more with technology than other children
2. Identify strategies which will help keep children safe when on technology
3. Learn how to talk to children about technology
Speaker & Bio
Barb Clark
Barb Clark is the Director of training at Families Rising (FKA NACAC) and is a parent to five adult children. She is passionate about learning from her many mistakes, and sharing them with others so they can avoid the same mistakes. She uses humor and real-life experiences to help professionals and caregivers challenge the use of traditional strategies and push them to think outside of the box. She graduated from the University of Minnesota in Youth Development but has learned more from her kids than she ever did in college. She is committed to improving the education & lives of individuals who were prenatally exposed to drugs & alcohol.
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