Families impacted by adoption face a world that is charged with racial injustice, persistent disparities and unsure futures. Many adoptive families are transracial, and all adoptive families are transcultural. How do we as parents and professionals create safer, braver spaces for our kids and ourselves to confront the biases and systemic injustices that have suppressed the futures of so many?
In this webinar, we will explore the vital importance of confronting systemic bias as parents and professionals who work with system-involved children and their families. Through lecture, video and personal reflection, we will discuss how systemic bias places limits on our children, how it works to exclude them from many areas of society, and how we can be vital links in changing the narrative. Join us to learn about the latest research and testimony regarding the role of parents and professionals in championing more just societies, and leave with concrete strategies to create more peaceful, compassionate spaces our communities.