How Childhood Family Trauma Affects Parenting
Event Date: 06/06/2024
Event Time: 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM
Event Type: Live Virtual
Total CE Credits: 1.5
Clinical Hours: 1.5
General Admission: $0 CE Cost: $10
This webinar has already ended.
If you experienced a history of trauma in your family of origin, it likely stuck with you into adulthood. Depending on the severity of your trauma, it may affect your ability to maintain healthy relationships with your children. In times of stress—which are likely frequent while parenting—we often resort to what we know, and if our developmental years were traumatic or dysfunctional, it can be difficult to break those habits.
In this 1.5 hour webinar, Kaytee explores some of the major ways that childhood trauma can impact us later in life, including as we interact with our own families as partners and as parents. She explores the ways that unhealed trauma wounds can impact parents as they parent their children, due to the stressors that come with parenting. Kaytee gives special attention to the experiences of foster parents and the fostering community, with the unique stressors that may come with this experience, and provides some takeaway tips and tools to begin the process of healing and moving forward.
Training Objectives
1. Recognize and validate some of the different forms of trauma from one's family of origin.
2. Begin to recognize how a trauma history can impact someone in adulthood.
3. Explore how trauma history can impact someone's adult relationships, including with families and as parents.
4. Learn some ways to begin the process of healing, with tips and tools for coping.
5. Learn what resources are available to help along the way.
Speaker & Bio

KaytylnKaytee Gillis
Kaytlyn Kaytee Gillis, LCSW-BACS is a psychotherapist and author with a passion for working with survivors of relationship and family trauma and the LGBTQ+ community. Her work focuses on assisting survivors of domestic violence and family trauma. Her latest book is "Breaking the Cycle: the 6 Stages of Healing from Childhood Family Trauma." Gillis has been featured on iHeart Radio, SiriuxXM, Scripps News, The Los Angeles Times, The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show, CP24 News, and other media outlets. She runs a popular column on Psychology Today called Invisible Bruises, where she writes articles for and about relationship and family trauma survivors. She provides training on recognizing patterns of domestic violence and family trauma, and helping survivors move forward.