This webinar will be focused on identifying and utilizing the proper lens through which to observe, process, and choose how to intervene with challenging behavior in children and teens. It will highlight the importance of identifying what we see in the behavior as well as looking beyond what we see to determine what messages we are being sent and how to best respond. Issues that will be addressed include: permanency, grief and loss, neglect, attachment and trauma, brain development and the impact of these behaviors on us as providers and caregivers.
Key Topics
- Impact of Permanency, Grief and Loss, Neglect, Attachment & Trauma on the Behavior in Children and Teens
- Interventions based on Stages of Arousal
- Secondary Trauma, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue
Intended Objectives
- Develop a new lens through which to observe and process the underlying sources and triggers for challenging behavior observed in our children and teens in foster care.
- Identify the impact of these challenging behaviors for both the children/teens and the providers/caregivers.
- Develop short and long-term intervention strategies to address the challenging behaviors based on the stages of brain arousal for both the children/teen and providers/caregivers