Did you know that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) young people are over-represented in the nation’s foster care system? Or that the American South is the region with the largest number of LGBTQ parents raising children? How about that LGBTQ parents are four times more likely than different-sex parents to be raising an adopted child and six times more likely to be raising foster children? Or that 67% of LGBTQ Alabamians ages 18-25 intend to raise children one day?
As national and local perspectives on LGBTQ persons and couples as suitable foster and adoptive parents continue to shift, these persons can not only meet the incredible permanency needs for children in Alabama, but can also use their networks to help find permanent placements and community support for LGBTQ young people in care.
Join us in this webinar on learning compassionate care for all children and all families. This workshop will focus on equipping attendees with a better grasp of respectful language with which to speak with and about LGBTQ young people and families, and will provide opportunities for attendees to ask questions on and share lessons learned from past experiences working with LGBTQ young people and families.